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BSB50120 – Diploma of Business


This is an ideal qualification for individuals who are seeking to further develop their skills and knowledge across a wide range of business functions. You will learn a variety of skills and knowledge in areas such as; managing meetings, developing critical thinking in others, managing budgets and financial plans, recruitment and onboarding of staff, marketing, risk and project work.

  • Frontline Manager / Team Leader
  • Administration Manager
  • Business Development Manager

Pathways for participants considering this qualification include; previous completion of the Certificate IV in Business or similar, or experience in a range of work environments in senior support roles but without a qualification.

There are three different delivery modes that students can choose from for this course.

Online Learning

Online learning allows students the flexibility of completing their course at their own pace, at times to suit work and other life commitments. Avoiding commutes, classrooms and rigid timetables are just a few good reasons to undertake online learning. Students can “attend” a course at anytime, from anywhere as your training material and assessments are online.

Distance Learning

Distance learning allows students to have the same amount of convenience and flexibility as online learning. The only difference is that instead of studying online, you will be studying via workbooks. Distance learning is perfect for students that prefer to have hard copy resources.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that involves making a judgement on the skills and knowledge an individual has as a result of past study and/or experience. The aim of RPL is to recognise your existing competencies without having to go through the complete process of training and assessment. You will still need to provide evidence though, upon which your assessor can base their judgement. Evidence must be:

  • Authentic – it must be your own work.
  • Sufficient – it must demonstrate competence over a period of time, that the competencies can be repeated, and the evidence must be enough so that the assessor can make an accurate judgement regarding competency.
  • Current – it must demonstrate up-to-date knowledge and skills i.e. from the present or very-recent past.
  • Valid – it must be relevant to what is being assesses

You may be eligible to apply for RPL on one or more Units of Competency in this course. Please contact our administration department on 1300 946 309 to discuss your RPL options.

QTS does not have set course commencement dates meaning individuals can enrol and commence their chosen course at any time.

QTS courses are self-paced. Enrolments are valid for 24 months.

How long your course will take depends on a number of factors. Included are your own efforts and commitment to submitting assessments regularly and on time, your study load (e.g. full or part time) and how many units (if any) are eligible for credit transfer and/or recognition of prior learning.

Assessment formats within this Diploma include:

  • Case studies
  • Short answer questions
  • Role plays
  • Reports
  • Projects
  • Work Samples

QTS is dedicated to providing a high standard of service to our students. You can contact your trainer/assessor for help in understanding how to complete your assessments. They are happy to support you and can be contacted through our office on 1300 946 309 or directly via their email address which will be provided once you are enrolled. Students are also able to book one on one training sessions with their trainer via video conference e.g. Skype, Zoom etc.


Minimum age for entry into this qualification is 16 years.
If you are under the age of 18 years, your Enrolment Form and Course Fees Agreement must be signed by a relevant parent or guardian.

Education and Experience:

There are no formal entry requirements in relation to prior education or experience for this qualification. However, it is recommended that students meet the following criteria;

  • Successfully completed Australian Year 12 (or equivalent) OR
  • Successfully completed Certificate III or higher qualification(s) AND
  • Have at least 12 months work experience AND
  • Sound Language, Literacy and Numeracy AND
  • Computing skills such as sending an email, using a printer/scanner, using Microsoft Office programs and internet skills to undertake a variety of assessments.

The learning materials and assessments within this qualification are written in an online or workbook format. Therefore, in order to successfully complete this course, students must have the ability to read and comprehend learning materials and undertake a variety of assessments.

English Language:

Entry into this qualification required proof of English proficiency to an Australian Year 12 level or equivalent.

Equivalency can be shown through the following:

  • Qualification completed in English at a Certificate III level or higher OR
  • A minimum of 2 years work experience in a position that involves communicating in English (written and verbal communication)
  • IELTS Test resulting in a score of 5.5 or higher

Students will be provided with training material either online or in a workbook and assessment activities for all units of competence.

Students must have access to the following resources:

  • Computer
  • Stable Internet
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Printer
  • Scanner
  • Microsoft Office (2010 version or later) – Including Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Digital video recording device/digital camera (included in most mobile phones)
  • Video conferencing software e.g. Zoom

Some of the simulated assessment tasks will require students to role play scenarios. Therefore, you will also need access to four volunteers who can participate in the role play activities. It is your responsibility to find your own suitable role play volunteers.

If you are currently not working and do not have access to workplace policies and other documents, your trainer and/or assessor will provide you with simulated samples or information regarding how you can access such policies and documents.

Qualification Structure​​

Students are required to complete 12 out of the 16 units listed below in order to obtain the Diploma of Leadership and Management. Students must complete 6 core units plus 6 elective units.

BSBCRT511Develop critical thinking in others
BSBFIN501Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBOPS501Manage business resources
BSBSUS511Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
BSBXCM501Lead communication in the workplace
BSBHRM525Manage recruitment and onboarding
BSBTWK503Manage meetings
BSBOPS503Develop administrative systems
BSBPMG430Undertake project work
BSBOPS504Manage business risk
BSBOPS502Manage business operational plans
BSBPEF501Manage personal and professional development
BSBLDR522Manage people performance
BSBSTR501Establish innovative work environments
BSBMKG541Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
BSBOPS505Manage organisational customer service
BSBTEC404Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
BSBTEC601Review organisational digital strategy

Course Fees:

Please contact the QTS Office via either email at admin@qts.edu.au or phone on 07 5593 8333 for information regarding course fees.

Contact Info

07 5593 8333
1300 946 309

Email: admin@qts.edu.au

Postal Address
PO Box 92
Miami QLD 4220

Street Address
24 Spoonbill Court
Burleigh Waters QLD 4220