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Learning & Tax-Returning

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There are a lot of things we spend money on that we’d prefer not to, even if they’re things we need or things we see value in paying for like: car servicing, insurance, utilities, tax, and even education. Some things simply aren’t as fun to buy as others. But would you feel differently if you could get your money back?

What if you could buy the things you need and value now and have the money return to you in the next financial year? Not to mention if that money arrived with the added bonus of wealth accrued from up-skilling and climbing up the promotional ladder. Well we’re here to tell you that your education fees for self-paced study can be tax deductible!

One of the main drivers for tertiary study is financial: the process of furthering your learning to increase earnings. But finance is also a major turn-off of engaging in study. Increased potential income is a benefit to higher education but you have to spend some to make a sum. Now you can learn more (then earn more) for less by claiming study-related fees through the Australian Tax Office’s self-education expenses. You can claim on expenses like course fees and textbooks on the stipulation that your course leads to a formal qualification and meets the requirements of maintaining or furthering your skills and potential income in your current employment. For more information on what you can and cannot claim, visit the Government webpage:

The Diploma of Leadership and Management is an ideal course for development within an existing role. As the title suggests, this course can help support and elevate the management and leadership skills of participants at any level of employment and opens vast opportunities for professional growth.

Education is power and it can help boost you to the next step of your career. The opportunity for personal growth is always available and a professional development plan can help guide you toward your career goals. A PDP is an evolving personal pathway that leads you to your dream job; filling in the steps between where you are and where you’d like to be and further education usually plays a significant role in that journey.

The sooner you start, the sooner you’re on your way. Enrol before April 30th and save 20% on course fees. For more information or to enrol, contact QTS on 1300 946 309.